Sunday 18 March 2012

Rock Bottom - Mike Moran and Lyndsey de Paul

Well it can't get any worse... A week on from my Tarzan Swing cock-up and I still can't sit down... I can stand and can stand an hour of slow-running but it's a rubber ring now wherever I go as my Coccyx ain't having any of it I'm afraid...

I was going to have a run out on the Exmoor Ultra on Saturday but I thought better of the two hours in the car I would have to endure as well as at least six hours of slow running I would have to do to get me the full distance...

So instead it's been a weekend of sport from the comfort of a well padded settee and floor to watch on as the Mighty Reds took the Grand Slam in style...(I say Mighty Reds as a term of endearment to the nation where I now live but I still find Jonathan Davies mighty annoying, so my repatriation still has some way to go perhaps).

I have got three hours on my running tachograph however and all I can do now is rest till MdS and hope that experience gets me thru... Either that or Jenny can carry my kit, no one will notice eh?

Ah well, I'll keep taking the drugs and I am just very lucky to be able to run, let alone in the Worlds Toughest Footrace.

More tomorrow... when I will be thinking about David Holyhead 1960-2012.

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