Wednesday 8 June 2011

Mind Games - Foreigner

With just 101 miles to go - the countdown to the finish has started along with the mind games that she has to go thru to get this last part of the record in the bag. She's got 44.5 miles in today and we've set her 50 miles as a target to the next feed/sleep/massage/ sort out the monster blister in the pic break.

Anyone who has done this type of run will know that the 42-44 mile point seems to be a real wall to get thru and it's really easy to faff and waste valuable time. This part of the day is the hardest for her it seems.

It's our job now to keep Jenny's focus for her, as it's best for her to cover as much as she can in the daylight as darkness is her biggest threat to motivation.

We'll keep blogging just as long as she's running tonight so don't go anywhere... home of Ireland's 9bar M2M Ultra.

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