Sunday 8 July 2012

Happy Talk - Captain Sensible

Lots of you have commented over the months that I am a GOM (which I am fully aware of) and have asked for far more positive blogs relating to running and achieving great things. Well I promise to do this over the next few days and hopefully blast out a few rays of sunshine.

Thinking about it, it's been a very positive past few days with ULTRA-marathoner Bethany Clague (with Olympic Torch) coming to stay for a few days of training prior to her running M2M Ultra in Ireland in September with us once again. She is always an inspiration and we love having her here as it's very uplifting for both Jenny and myself as Bethany has overcome so many barriers to achieve so much in her life.

Then I had two Doctors join me for an MdS day where I could ask them all things medical whilst they asked all things MdS in return. A fascinating insight into Medicine and Psychiatry all in a day, most of it applied to me! Yikes...

Anyway, all of this plus a FULL training dairy of clients and training has kept me on target with my training too... so it can't be bad eh?

More tomorrow... now is that more positive?

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